Top 7 Itching Solutions

1. Don’t Scratch It

I’m guessing that most of you are recalling the image of your mother saying “Don’t scratch that!” Am I right? Well, mom knew what she was talking about. Scratching the itch will only make it itch more. So, don’t scratch it. Better yet – don’t even touch it. It will itch like hell for first couple of minutes but then it will start slowly going away. Scratching it will only make it worse.

2. Ice

Ice can be really helpful when it comes to reliving the itchy skin. It is especially good for mosquito bites. Just take an ice cube and put it on the place that itches. It will bring relief in a matter of seconds. If you can’t handle the cold of the ice – a cloth wet with cold water will do the trick.

3. Baking Soda

Another remedy from grandma’s closet – baking soda. Take one teaspoon of baking soda and dissolve it in water. Apply to the itchy place. If you’re having trouble with bigger parts of your body, try making yourself a bath with warm water and baking soda. Do not apply this if your skin is broken, it will hurt a lot!

4. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea
Every girl knows that chamomile tea is a great remedy for getting rid of those nasty bags under your eyes. But did you know that it is also a fantastic itch remedy. Make yourself a cup of chamomile tea and leave it to cool for a while. Apply warm tea on the place that itches and it will soon start to feel a lot better.

5. Aloe Vera

I’ve seen in the powers of Aloe Vera for so many times, that I always have some in the house. Aloe Vera is, among many other things, perfect for itchy skin. No matter if the itch was caused by a mosquito bite, allergy or even some more serious skin condition – aloe vera comes to the rescue. It’s best to use fresh juice directly from the cactus, but aloe vera gel will also be fine. Just apply to the itchy spot several times a day.

6. Lemon

You may not think that lemon could be a great itching solution, but it really is. You must not apply it to a broken skin, because it will burn you. Lemon is amazing when it comes to having an itchy scalp. Simply squeeze fresh lemon juice on it and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes before washing your hair. It helps with other skin itches too.

7. Shea Butter

Shea butter in a spoon with sha nuts
You know how bad dry skin can itch? The solution is shea butter. It’s best if used pure, but products that contain it could also help. Shea butter is generally a good solution for dry skin. It will not only free you from the itch, it will improve the general state of your skin. Make sure you try it.
Well, now you know it – it all comes down to controlling yourself not to scratch, and one of these solutions. If your itch is persistent even after applying these remedies, make sure you visit your doctor.

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