7 Rules to Make Your Hands Soft

Now, although there are lots of tips you’ll find over the internet, I’d like to present you with seven that actually work. These are the rules I’ve been following for years, and so far so good – my hands are pretty soft.

1. Gloves are Your Friends

Beautiful Blond Girl in Black Leather Gloves
As soon as temperatures get low outside, pack a pair of gloves in your bag. You may feel like you don’t need them, but cold air does a lot of damage to your skin, making it rough, and causing it to break. Gloves are simply mandatory during the winter.
Do not EVER try to clean your house without wearing protective rubber gloves. The cleaning products can not only make your skin rough, they can also cause some serious burns. Same goes if you don’t have the dishwasher, and have to do the dishes the old fashioned way. ALWAYS wear gloves.
Gloves are also a great idea when you are handling some food. I always wear them when I’m cooking something with chili peppers. They protect my hands from the hotness and prevent me from burning my eyes when I, by default, touch them after handling chili peppers.
I also wear rubber gloves when I’m handling zucchinis and eggplants. For some reason, the liquid from these plants makes my hands really dry and itchy. It’s not a rule, it might just be some kind of allergic reaction, but if you’re experiencing something similar – rubber gloves are your saviors.

2. Hydration

Good hydration is the key element to having nice and smooth skin. They say that you should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. However, I personally find this to be too much.
It’s great if you can drink that much, but don’t force yourself to drink. Don’t allow yourself to get thirsty, and keep a glass of water near you the whole day. That way you’ll reach for it more often and drink more water.

3. Moisturizers

Woman applying hand cream
Outer hydration is just as important as inner is. This is where moisturizers come into the first plan.
Lots of women carry a hand cream with them all the time, and apply it a million times a day. Although this is something that will make your hands soft, do not go crazy with the hand cream. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t use it at all; I’m only saying that your hands need a break from time to time.
It would be ideal if you used the hand cream two times a day – once in the morning and once in the evening. Of course, if you’ve been doing some chores, and your hands need extra moisturizing, don’t neglect that.
The reason for lowering the amount of hand cream is, that after a while your hands will get used to all the extra moisturizing you’re providing them with. That means that your skin will stop protecting itself. The result is that you basically have to apply the hand cream 30 times a day, because your hands get extremely rough as soon as they soak up the cream you already applied.

4. No to Hot Water

You have to have heard how hot water is not really that good for your skin. It makes it dry, and craving for extra moisturizing. The same goes for the skin on your hands.
Wash your hands only with warm water, never with hot. Hot water in combination with strong soaps really does a lot of damage to your skin and you’ll need extra effort to make it soft.

5. Choosing a Good Soap

hand washing with soap
Soaps are the biggest enemies to the softness of your hands, believe it or not. That’s why it’s very important to choose a good soap.
This greatly depends on your skin type and tolerance towards some of the ingredients of soaps. Try a couple of different ones, and choose the one that’s best for you. I personally find Dove soaps to work best for me, but that doesn’t mean they’ll suit you too.
In any case, avoid strong and antibacterial soaps. Choose those that are labeled, either as moisturizing or as for sensitive skin.

6. Packs

When simple moisturizing just doesn’t do the trick – turn to packs. There are really a bunch of those you could buy, you’ll have to find the one that suits you best (feel free to recommend it in comments).
Packs are usually applied in the evening. After applying them you should put special gloves on, and go to sleep. Your hands will be smooth, silky and soft in the morning.

7. Sun Screen

sun cream near pool
We all know the importance of applying sun screen, but most of us don’t apply it on hands. The reason is, usually, because sun screens are oily, and sticky, and we tend to wash our hands after applying them. And that’s a bad idea.
Sun makes your skin dry. None of these factors contributes to having soft hands. So, next time you go out in the sun – don’t forget to protect your hands as well. If you can’t really stand the sun screen on your palms, remove it with wet wipes, but keep it on the part of your hands that gets exposed to sun.

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