The Easiest Way To Achieve Firmer And Radiant Skin

Have you ever wondered how to achieve the gorgeous, radiant, acne-free face that so many Hollywood stars have?
Sure, it helps when you’re working with the top makeup artists and can afford the best face cleansers their unlimited budgets can offer, but not all of us can afford a $240.00 La Mer Skin Perfecting Treatment.
So, what’s a girl to do? Well, skincare doesn’t need to be expensive, and this one is definitely not! In fact, you probably already have both of the ingredients at home, so keep reading if you’ve always wanted the same gorgeous skin as Jennifer Lopez or Gwyneth Paltrow.
Honey and an ice cube. That’s all you need.
The honey has enzymes that help to keep your skin clean and keeps your pores from clogging up. The natural antioxidants in honey help to protect the skin from sun damage.
They also help to revive and refresh tired looking skin, leaving it feeling silky, soft and smooth.
Using ice cubs on your face has been done for decades. This is an easy, affordable and painless way to achieve younger looking skin—especially if you have large pores!
Using an ice cube on your face will actually help to minimize the size of your pores. Ice cubs are also a great face primer that firms the skin. When you apply your foundation, you will be surprised at how good and even your face will look.
So, are you convinced and ready to try this easy DIY? Keep reading for the three-step process you will need to implement your new favorite skincare routine!

Step 1

young woman washing her face in a basin and looking herself in the mirror
Wash your face as usual with whatever face wash you use. You want to make sure that you are working with clean skin in order to achieve the best results.
Make sure to rinse your face with warm water. Using warm water opens up your pores, which will allow the honey to do its magic.
With a clean washcloth, pat your face dry. Do not rub your face when drying it! The skin on your face is extra sensitive and rubbing can cause irritation and even contribute to wrinkles.

Step 2

It’s honey time! This will be a bit sticky, so make sure your hair is pulled away from your face for this part. You can put a towel or a shower cap over your hair to prevent the honey from getting into it!
Pour honey onto your hand and apply it all over your face as you would a mask. Make sure that your face is completely covered. Don’t be afraid to really lather it on.
You may look a little funny, but who cares because the honey will leave you with clear, radiant skin.
In order for your skin to really absorb the honey, leave it on your face for 15-30 minutes. This is a good time to pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine, sit down, relax and watch some tv.

Step 3

Closeup of a female cheek with honey
After 15-30 minutes, it’s time to rinse off the honey. Again, make sure the water is warm and that you get all the honey off your face—you don’t want any sticky residue.
Once again, pat your face dry. Now take an ice cube, and move it all over your face in a slow, circular motion until your face feels numb.
One to two minutes should be enough.
The ice cube will start to melt once it hits your face, so I recommend wrapping the edges of it in a paper towel or washcloth before using it on your face.
It will also help you to hold the ice cube while moving it over your face.
When you’re finished with the ice cube, do not wipe your face. Instead, let the skin dry naturally so that your skin has a chance to absorb the cold water from the ice.
That’s when you will see the greatest results.
I recommend doing this twice a week until you start to see results in your skin. Once the results become evident, do it once a week for maintenance.
That’s all you need to do in order to get youthful looking skin. There is a reason why this beauty remedy has been around for so long—it works!
So, next time you have a girl’s night, open a bottle of wine, put on your favorite season of Friends and, instead of using a store bought face mask, try this natural remedy.
It is such an easy and affordable way to achieve beautiful skin, and you didn’t have to look further than your kitchen!

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