Lavender Mint Bath Salts Recipe

I used to love taking relaxing salt baths when I first got married. Now, most days, bath time just involves me washing many tiny fingers, toes and heads of hair. No complaints, but definitely not as relaxing!

Benefits of Salt Baths

There are so many health benefits to a relaxing salt bath and I definitely try to squeeze them in when I can (which usually ends up being about once a month). Salt baths are great for:
  • Stress relief
  • Reducing muscle aches
  • Improving circulation
  • Better nutrient absorption
  • Headache relief
  • Speeding up wound healing
  • During illness, especially respiratory illness
  • For children to help mineral absorption and improve sleep
  • For acne, eczema or other skin problems
  • For joint pain relief
  • To help relieve poison ivy or skin reactions
  • Improving skin hydration
I especially love using epsom salts or magnesium flakes since the magnesium has many added benefits of its own.
use magnesium and salts all the time in my children’s bath water to help reduce chemicals and improve relaxation.


  • 2 cups epsom salts
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup sea salt (optional)
  • 30 drops of lavender essential oils
  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil


  1. Mix all ingredients in a medium size bowl.
  2. Store in an air-tight jar and use 1/4 cup per bath.

 Other Ways to Use Salt and Magnesium:

  • In soothing bath fizzies (here is my favorite recipe)
  • or After-birth bath fizzies
  • In natural detox bath recipes
  • In homemade magnesium oil
  • To make homemade magnesium body butter

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