Best 5 Make-up Removers You Can Find At Home

Makeup enhances our natural looks, but it can also be highly damaging if it is not properly removed from the face. Sleeping with your makeup on can clog pores and cause acne breakouts and premature aging, so if there’s one beauty rule that you should remember, it is to always remove makeup from your face before turning in for the night.
While synthetic makeup removers are highly popular and easy to purchase, you may want to consider natural options. Here are top four makeup removers from natural materials that you may even find in your home. These have no negative impacts on the skin, are environment friendly, of course, safe and natural!

#1 Almond Milk

Almond milk is derived from almond nuts. Unlike other types of milk, it does not contain any lactose. In order to make some almond milk, you can place some blanched almonds in the blender and mix it until it becomes frothy and creamy. Almond milk is naturally cleansing, and its enzymes will easily remove the oil, dirt and makeup accumulated over the busy day. In order to remove the makeup, place some almond milk to a cotton ball and rub it all over your face in circular motions until it becomes makeup-free. Then rinse the face clean.
Keep the extra almond milk inside the refrigerator and use up within a week.

#2 Cucumber

Happy girl in towel holding cucumber slices
Due to the moisturizing qualities of cucumber, you can be guaranteed that your face won’t feel dry and dull after you have scrubbed off all your makeup. Cucumber is also beneficial because it exfoliates your skin, completely eliminating the need for synthetic facial scrubs. You can use cucumber juice to wash your face or use your blender to mash it to a pulp before applying the paste to your face.

#3 Soy Milk and Banana

Bananas and soy milk are one of the perfect combinations to remove makeup from your face. Bananas and soy milk contain enzymes that dissolve makeup and help remove the dirt and grime that have settled on your face. In order to make the mixture, cut up a banana, mash it up and combine it with soy milk. Continue to mash the banana until there is a consistent mixture and spread it all over your face. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse off.

#4 Olive Oil

olive oil on wooden table
It’s healthy for you, both inside and out. It’s better than your typical makeup remover because it’s natural and less abrasive to the skin. You can use olive oil as is  or mix it witch hazel, which makes an incredible combination because witch hazel contains astringent properties and olive oil contains moisturizing properties. The helps you avoid clogged pores and dry skin that may be the result of using harsh makeup removers.

#5 Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is very high in saturated fat content, but it is very hydrating at the same time making it best for dry skin. It easily removes stubborn makeup especially from the eyes. Aside from effectively loosening up makeup, it has anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, so you can also use it as a moisturizer and skin protector after washing makeup off from your skin.
These ingredients are things that you can find at home, so give them a try when you can. Who knows, you may never need to buy makeup remover anymore!

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