7 Easy Ways To Keep Your Skin Hydrated

A beautiful, flawless face may seem like a lot of work to achieve. However, you don’t need to be a scientist to understand that well-hydrated skin is a sign of youth. Within your own home, you have the power to create a flawless canvas that will be known for the natural glow it exudes. Here’s how to do that.

1. Drink plenty of water

portrait of attractive caucasian woman isolated on white studio shot drinking water
This is perhaps a phrase that you’ve heard many times, but it’s true! Most of the human body is composed of water, which is why it is very important to drink as much water as possible.
Doctors recommend a daily intake of eight glasses. If drinking more water is one of your goals this year, start by drinking at least four glasses every day and work your way up to eight glasses.
In no time, you’ll be able to see an amazing transformation in the largest organ in your body―your skin. In addition, your organs will function a lot better, and who doesn’t love to feel healthy while looking fabulous? Guilty!

2. Soak your face in a hydrating cream

cosmetic cream
Every morning, I use SPF and just leave it to soak in. Dealing with dry skin proved to me that I had to aim for something more hydrating. However, I don’t splurge on super-expensive creams. Instead, I opt for an affordable cream that will nourish my face and body throughout the day.
Honestly, there isn’t anything as sexy as a woman with smooth skin. Achieving this doesn’t require spending thousands of dollars, but is more about being consistent with our daily regimens. At night, and in the morning, use a hydrating cream that’ll boost the collagen production in the desired areas.

3. Stay away from hot showers

Woman cold shower
Hot water is not a woman’s best friend—at least, not if she’s aiming to remain young and beautiful. Luke warm water is best, as this won’t streak your skin or make it extra dry. Even if your skin is oily, remember that hot water has the potential to irritate the skin, and we want to stay away from this!

4. Choose the right soap

Woman cleans and exfoliates the skin with a natural sponge foam face
Sometimes we purchase the wrong soap without even knowing it. In the past, I often had very oily skin, but as time passed, I became super dry. Every time I purchased soap, I didn’t read what it was for or any of its ingredients. Despite the fancy store, there are products that may not promise what is stated on the tag.
So, how are you supposed to know what’s effective and what isn’t? Very simply: look at the ingredients listed on the packaging, there are a series of ingredients. The first three are usually the ones that make up most of the product.
Look up the terms and see how effective they are for your skin type. Of course, this could take some time, but it has the power to make all the difference in the world. Within no time, you’ll be telling your girlfriends about the amazing soap that has changed your skin in the most positive way possible.

5. Exfoliate

Source via www.himalayahomeremedies.com
As harsh as the term seems, it could do wonders for your skin. Getting rid of dead skin is an absolute must, as it leaves more room for new cells to regenerate. Right after you exfoliate, make sure to moisturize with a nourishing cream. You should notice an immediate difference in the texture and appearance of your skin.
Many people have asked me how often I exfoliate. The truth is that it all depends on your skin type. Since I have extremely dry skin, I opt to exfoliate five times a week. If you have super oily skin, don’t be afraid to exfoliate every time you shower.

6. Protect your skin with SPF

Young beautiful happy smiling cheerful tanned woman with sun-protection cream on beach
The term never seems to get old, but there are women who don’t know the amazing benefits of SPF. Due to the harmful rays of the sun, you always want to feel protected. Getting sunburnt leads to flaky skin that no one loves. Every morning, apply a generous amount of SPF all over your body. I use a spray as this allows for me to reach difficult areas like my back.
Also, always carry a lotion and cream that has SPF, so that you can reapply it throughout the day. As time passes, you’ll notice how your friends age while you remain young. Who knew that such an affordable product like SPF has such power!

7. Take a look at your makeup

Young beautiful woman making make-up near mirror
Just as there are foundations to target different skin types, there are products that may not be helping your skin to stay hydrated. Among these products are those that may have expired. Keep track of the age of your cosmetics because these everyday necessities may not be helping your skin if they aren’t up to date!
As a result of our busy lives, it is always important to always invest a few minutes in ourselves and our bodies. The best time to disconnect and focus on ourselves is before, while and after we shower. Remember that time doesn’t discriminate, and it’s better to spend money on beauty products now as opposed to paying a cosmetic surgeon later for a quick fix.
Healthy, radiant and hydrated skin is possible through these amazing tricks. Give them a try, and you’ll soon notice how you’ll be able to radiate more confidence. As women, we should fall in love with every inch of ourselves each day. No one who will love and take care of you like you!
Have you ever tried any of these tricks? Let us know by leaving a comment, and share with us the beauty secrets that you obsess over!

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