5 Natural Remedies That Will Eliminate Your Cellulite

Cellulite is not fat, although many people think so. So, what is it then? Well, it occurs when the layer of tissue or fat just beneath the skin suffers from an imbalance. The connective tissue has connection problems and then the skin forms small bumps and dents. Cellulite affects not only people who ae overweight, but also those of a healthy weight or even thinner.
Study upon study has been conducted, and more will most likely be performed for years to come, on the true cause of cellulite. However, it has been established that lifestyle, diet, hormones and even genetics all have a hand in causing this phenomenon.
Experts say that cellulite has three stages.
In stage one, the formation of cellulite cannot yet be seen on the surface of the skin. It can only be seen via microscopic analyses.
In stage two, the skin color may become paler than the areas around it. This happens as the skin starts to stretch due to the cellulite buildup. The skin’s elasticity will also decrease and the area might feel a little cooler to the touch than the surrounding skin.
Stage three is when the cellulite becomes obvious and can be seen. You will also now feel the distinctive bumps on the skin.
Herewith is some natural remedies for eliminating your cellulite.

1. Cayenne Fighting Power

Red pepper spice on wooden table
Not only will Cayenne assist in eliminating cellulite, it will also help you to lose weight. It increases metabolism and blood circulation, removes toxins and heats the body naturally from the inside.
So, how do you use it? It’s quite easy in fact. Simply add the juice of one lemon, freshly squeezed, to a glass of warm water. Add a teaspoon of finely grated ginger and two teaspoons of cayenne powder. Mix well and enjoy twice a day!
Use for one or two months, then take a month breather before continuing. Once you reach your ideal weight and skin tone, drink it once or twice a week.

2. Coffee, Coffee and More Coffee, Please

Ground coffee has been proven to be quite healthy. Drinking ground coffee regularly increases blood circulation, which helps to keep the skin and the body healthy.
You can also use it as an exfoliate scrub to remove dead skin cells. To do this, you will require 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a quarter cup of ground coffee beans. Mix these ingredients together to form a paste. Use sparingly in small amounts and firmly massage it into the area of skin where the cellulite appears. Do this for a couple of minutes, two to three times a week or daily if desired. Simply rinse with warm water when you’re done. Store the remaining paste in a glass jar and use it as needed.

3. Vegetables, Fruit and Foods to Eliminate Your Cellulite

Fresh healthy salad with leafy greens plums nuts and apple
Eliminate cellulite by eating healthy. Fill your diet with a variety of vegetables and fruit to stay healthy, lose weight and keep your body hydrated. This does not mean you need to drop everything you are eating and change your diet completely.
You need a steady change as losing weight too quickly will result in the loss of muscle and not cellulite or fat. You need to increase the amount of green vegetables you eat each day; also, try to eat nuts, olives and fish on a regular basis.
Stay clear of foods that are fried, have a high sugar or salt content or have been processed. Fresh is always a healthier option.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider in glass bottle with cinnamon sticks and fresh apples on cutting board
Apple cider vinegar is a great, natural cellulite fighter. It is filled with calcium, potassium, minerals and magnesium. These all assist in fighting cellulite while reducing bloating and getting rid of toxins in the body. You can consume it or use it as a rub.
To drink, mix a teaspoon of honey with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Do this twice a day, every day. It is healthy so taking it regularly will not cause any harm; in fact, it will only help.
To use it as a rub, mix two parts water with one part apple cider vinegar. Add some honey (optional) and apply it to the area. Once you have applied a sufficient amount to the affected area, wait thirty minutes. Rinse the area with warm water, but not hot. This must be applied twice a day until you reach the results you want.

5. Activities

Yes, I know time is not always on our side, but if you want a dream body, you will just have to rearrange your schedule! You need to find an exercise you enjoy so that you can keep doing it. Additionally, you will have to find a routine that will target the area where your cellulite is. So, if you have cellulite on your thighs, leg exercises are ideal. Try sprinting, jogging, climbing stairs, cycling and other leg exercises that truly work those muscles.
For your stomach, you could do crunches, leg raises, body twists and more. Leg raises and body twists are simple, easy and can be done basically anywhere. While walking around in your home, make it a habit to lift your legs as high as possible when walking as this works the abs. You can do body twists while sitting, even at work. Move your upper body from side to side, causing a twist in your middle.
For your arms, try push ups, swimming, pull ups and more. Weight training also helps a great deal. If you do not have weights, simply use water bottles or other objects around the house.
Try and get a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes’ exercise per day. To firm the skin, do some pilates or yoga. These can be done separately or combined with other exercise.
Have you found other methods or remedies not included here? Please share your thoughts on these with us and any other ways you recommend for getting rid of cellulite.

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