IY projects with shoes might sound complicated, but in reality it can be quite simple. When you find the idea that seems right to do, think carefully about how to adjust it to what you need and want to achieve. To avoid the disappointment of the project gone wrong and ruined pair of shoes, you have to consider everything and plan well.
Try to imagine the final product and don’t expect your results to be exactly the same as the blog, or site you’ve found the idea on, shows. The actual beauty of DIY is that no two things need to look the same. If you add something unique to every project you work on, you will end up with unique results.
So, here are some interesting ideas you might want to try for the fall season.
Chevron Sneakers
Source via www.refinery29.com
- white canvas sneakers
- ruler and pencil
- stiff cardboard
- scissors
- fabric markers of various colors
How to:
Source via www.refinery29.com
1. First you have to create a zigzag pattern on the cardboard, like shark teeth, and cut it out (see picture).
2. Then remove the laces from the sneakers, so you don’t get color on them.
3. Using the template trace the pattern, starting at the toe of the sneakers. Do it all the way to the back. You can vary the spacing between the lines, however you decide.
4. Take your markers and color the rows in whichever order of colors you choose. Color the inside rim and make sure you didn’t miss any of the small spaces, for example seams.
5. The hardest part will be coloring the sneaker tongue, but since it is not as visible as the rest, it doesn’t have to be perfect.
And voila! Put the laces back in and walk away.
Colored Toe
Source via greenweddingshoes.com
When you get tired of your solid color shoes, you can easily remake them into a new pair. Try this with heels, ballet flats, or even sneakers and boots.
- solid color shoes (nudes or neutrals might work the best)
- spray paint in a neon shade
- masking tape
- old cloth or towels
How to:
1. First decide on how big you want the colored cap to be and mark it with tape. Roll the rest of the shoe into the old towel. You might want to tape off the sole area that’s left unprotected.
2. Then spray the shoes with 2 or 3 coats of paint. Leave every coat to dry well. Do this outside or in a well ventilated space.
3. You thought there’s more? No, no more. Wait for the paint to dry, remove the cloth and the tape, and you have a brand new pair of shoes.
Kitty Flats
Source via www.llymlrs.com
This last project is my personal favorite. Make a cat face on your shoes like on those amazing Charlotte Olympia kitty loafers. Yes, the bad news is we can’t all afford these, but the good news is they are a great inspiration.
- shoes (ballets or loafers are best) in a darker color, in leather or similar stronger material
- gold or silver permanent marker
- a piece of leather for the ears (optional)
- shoes (ballets or loafers) in darker color, of softer material like velvet
- gold or silver embroidery thread
- a piece of leather for the ears (optional)
- embroidery skills
How to:
1. First try a few drawings of a cat face and decide which one you like best (you can also do a mouse face, inspired by Marc Jacobs mouse flats). Draw the most prominent features: eyes, nose and mouth, whiskers and ears. From this point you have two options, depending on the chosen material of shoes and tools, and your skills.
2. Option 1, with leather and markers: trace out the cat face on the shoes with a pencil. Take the marker and go over the drawing. You can incorporate the ears into the drawing, or you can cut them out from a material similar to your shoe material and glue them to the shoes.
3. Option 2, with softer material shoes: again trace the face on the front part of the shoes with pencil. Take needle and thread and embroider along the lines. Decide whether you want the ears separately added or embroiderd, too.
And then you get to walk around with the adorable face on your feet!
Now, with these three DIY projects with shoes, your shoe collection is definitely richer, so enjoy the fall.